What does it mean to be self-sufficient? Merriam Webster defines self-sufficient as:
: able to live or function without help or support from others
: able to maintain oneself or itself without outside aid : capable of providing for one’s own needs
: having an extreme confidence in one’s own ability or worth : haughty,overbearing
So what is LYDIA’s aim in promoting self-sufficiency? When we say we want to empower families-in-crisis to become self-sufficient, we mean that we want to help them recognize their spheres of influence and their communities, and be able to take from those spheres and give back to their communities. We want our family client base to move from receiving government or area organization assistance to resilient beings who give what they have learned and value, able and willing to make healthy contributions within their own families and communities.
We want our families to be “able to live or function without help or support from others” in a financial and physical aspect, while still encouraging spiritual, mental and emotional connections. We want our families “able to maintain…[itself] without outside aid”. We even want our families to have confidence in their own ability and worth, so that they make healthy, worthwhile contributions to their communities and promote self-sufficiency of entire communities (while encouraging humility and not haughtiness!).
How do we get families-in-crisis to that point? We walk with them, hopefully before the crisis, through the crisis, and to the other side; we help them define what the other side looks like, what it will be, and how to get there. We have life coaches and mentors who will work closely with clients to visualize the goals and implement steps to take to reach those goals in a healthy manner. We have case managers who will help alleviate some of the stress in navigating the many systems and services available for aid. We provide job training and employment encouragement.
We teach and learn life skills with our clients. We are hands-on, actively seeking out those in crisis and walking alongside them. We encourage our clients to realize their worth and their potential and then we help provide them a venue in which to safely and successfully be.
There are times when our readers have relied on others through emotional, spiritual, mental, or even physical support. There are times when our readers have known others who would have benefited from receiving various levels of support but had no idea where to begin or where to find such supports. It is rewarding in itself to move from crisis, from need, to self-sufficiency; it is also rewarding to help others move through their crises to the other side. Come, work with us. Let’s get there together