Q & A: Services We Offer

We have discussed various life skills issues and parenting classes, but we haven’t addressed other services we can do for you.
Did you know we also assist in:
1. Case Management
2. Career Services
3. Life Coaching
4. Dressing for Success (in work)
5. Helping You Find Connections

Q: What does a case manager do?
A: A case manager coordinates services and supports to help you live successfully in the community. Your case manager helps you set goals for your life and arranges benefits and services. Depending on your situation, a case manager may also help with practical needs such as grocery shopping, budgeting, taking care of yourself or getting along with family and friends. A case manager helps you complete paperwork, maintains a database – or a file – of services you receive through community organizations, important dates (such as your review with Income Support), and important people (other case managers in organizations from which you are receiving services). (NAMI.org)

File Folder

Case managers should deliver as much of the “help” or service as possible, rather than making referrals to multiple formal services.
1) Natural community resources are the primary partners (eg, landlords, employers, teachers, art clubs, etc).
2) Work is in the community.
3) Both individual and team case management works.
4) Case managers have primary responsibility for a person’s services.
5) Case managers can be para-professionals. Supervisors should be experienced and fully credentialed.
6) Caseload size should be small enough to allow for a relative high frequency of contact (no more than 20:1).
7) Case management service should be time-unlimited, if necessary.
8) People need access to familiar persons 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
9) Case managers should foster choice. (health.gov.au)

Q: What are career services?
A: With career services, your case manager, life coach, career coach or mentor will help you assess your strengths, your educational needs, your goals, and what area of employment best suits your needs. Your career services manager will help you find employment with LYDIA, through one of our partner programs, or even help you write and tweak your resume.

Q: What is life coaching – and why do I need it?
A: According to an article published on askmen.com, “A life coach is more of a partnership than anything else. It is a support system with one goal in mind: improving your quality of life.” A life coach is a cheerleader, an encourager, a compass, and a team player. The life coach will cheer the client on to make necessary changes, overcome hurdles, and continue moving forward. The life coach will encourage the client when stressed, overwhelmed, discouraged and feeling hopeless. The life coach will remind the client what the goals are and help the client stay on track on achieving those goals. The life coach will work with the client to set goals and develop a plan for the client to meet goals, set new goals, and continue forward. Life coaches are held to the strictest confidentiality, not discussing or sharing client information outside the coach and coach supervisor, unless otherwise directed by a court of law.

Q: What is meant by dressing for success?
A: LYDIA provides a business apparel clothes closet through which clients will receive one complete business suit including a jacket, slacks, button-up or blouse, shoes, briefcase or purse, belt, and accessories (such as a tie pin, cufflinks, broach, and/or handkerchief). A client may opt to choose 3 shirts and 1-2 pairs of slacks in lieu of the accessories.

Q: Connections – Networking: How does it work?
A: Your case manager and/or career services manager will help you find and make connections for employment opportunities. Your case manager will work with you to build or strengthen a good support system within your community, including your social sphere of friends, family, church or clubs.

holding hands

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